(510) 520-1658

I'm honored to be a Partner Collaborator with Colibri Collaborative (the team pictured below), a woman-led collaborative whose work aims to build a sustainable, healthy, and liberated society.

Colleagues and Clients
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project (ANV) elevates life in Oakland and beyond by challenging oppressive dynamics and environments through urban farming.

Alameda County Behavioral health supports and empowers individuals experiencing mental health and substance use conditions along their path towards wellness, recovery, and resiliency. They envision a community where all individuals and their families can successfully realize their potential and pursue their dreams where stigma and discrimination against those with mental health and/or alcohol and drug issues are remnants of the past.

Quality Counts rates, supports and rewards early care and education programs in Alameda County that serve children with high needs. Quality Counts also helps early care and education providers improve their programs so that children are prepared for kindergarten and succeed in school and life.

Alameda County Public Health Department has an array of programs and services designed to protect the health and safety of County residents. The backbone of Public Health includes assessments of the health status of residents, disease prevention and control, community mobilization and outreach, policy development, education, and assurance of access to quality medical and health care services. The Quality Improvement and Accreditation unit manages the public health department accreditation process and Results Based Accountability and workforce development activities.
Alameda Point Collaborative breaks the vicious cycle of poverty and homelessness by providing unwavering support and resources to its residents.
Alliant International University specializes in preparing students for careers of impact through their model of academic rigor paired with hands-on training.

Amanda Cooper, Lightbox Collaborative
LightBox Collaborative holds good ideas up to the light, helping nonprofits, philanthropies, and other do-gooders do better.
Bandung Books fulfills EastSide’s mission to connect art and culture with history and education.

Connecting people and ideas to create a world that works for all.
Cal State East Bay welcomes and supports a diverse student body with academically rich, culturally relevant learning experiences which prepare students to apply their education to meaningful lifework, and to be socially responsible contributors to society. Through its educational programs and activities, the university strives to meet the educational needs and to contribute to the vitality of the East Bay, the state, the nation, and global communities.
Carol Cantwell, Fun with Financials
Fun with Financials teaches nonprofit organizations practices that support informed financial decisions. They also work with foundations to align philanthropic processes to support a culture shift toward financial health. They make nonprofit finance engaging while holding a larger vision of change.

Chabot Space & Science Center is a non-profit science center that serves Oakland and the greater Bay Area as a place for STEM learning and engagement. Our mission is to inspire and educate learners of all ages about the Universe and Planet Earth.

CILSA (Catholic Institute for Lasallian Social Action)
CILSA is an academic center that collaborates with students, faculty, staff and community partners to create and sustain transformative community engagement experiences inspired by the Catholic, Lasillian and Liberal Arts traditions.

Colibri Collaborative is a woman-led collaborative with more than 40 years of combined experience developing ways for organizations to navigate change powerfully with those most impacted at the center. Colibri Collaborative was formed because they saw the need to cross pollinate ideas, connect, build bridges, and to heed the lessons of their past while creating a different future. They believe in collaborating with their partners and each other.
Community Child Care Council (4Cs) of Alameda County exists to develop and coordinate resources to strengthen families and children.
CompassPoint helps leaders, nonprofit organizations, and movements committed to social justice realize their full power.
Create CA is a coalition of dedicated and innovative leaders who understand that together they have the power to create lasting change for every California student. Their mission is to ensure ALL students are able to reach their full potential by advancing an education model that promotes creativity and the arts for the 21st century workforce.
The mission of Davis Street is to improve health, address poverty and increase the overall quality of life of residents in the Eden Area.
Dhamma Dena is a Vipassana Buddhist Center situated in the Mojave Desert of California, near Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park. It was founded almost forty years ago by pioneer Buddhist teacher Ruth Denison, one of only four westerners initiated as a teacher by the eminent Burmese meditation master Sayagyi U Ba Khin. The center is named for Dhammadinna, a female disciple of the Buddha renowned for her wisdom.

Dustys' Fishing Well's program consists of workshops to assist teenagers in reaching their fullest potential socially and emotionally. The program is built around the following themes: health/wellness, leadership, community awareness, non-traditional careers and more. They aim to empower the youth to develop self-advocacy, leadership, and life skills which create pathways to healthy decision making and meaningful community engagement.

Early Ecology believes that "through deep nature connection children joyfully learn about the cycles of nature, of life and death, food and waste and through this they learn about their own ecological system: self, family, community, beliefs, values and their place on this earth."
East Bay Meditation Center's mission is to foster liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building.

East Oakland Building Healthy Communities supports three core collaborative projects that they hope to continue beyond the sunset of their 10-year BHC Initiative. They are: The Healthy Development Guidelines, The East Oakland Congress of Neighborhoods and the creation of a Special Community Endowment.

The East Oakland Neighborhoods Initiative is a partnership between the City of Oakland Planning Bureau and twelve community-based organizations focused on equity-based planning for Deep East Oakland. Together, they have conducted a year of community outreach to identify the primary concerns, goals, and priorities for East Oakland residents and stakeholders.
EBAYC envisions a future where all young people grow up to be lifelong builders of a just and compassionate multicultural society. It’s mission is to support all youth to be safe, smart, and socially responsible. EBAYC believe that if they partner with public and private institutions to provide young people with a continuum of high-quality support and opportunities and if they engage families to actively participate in the public arena to improve the quality of neighborhood life, then young people will be safe, smart, and socially responsible.
Ever Forward Club believes that all young men have the desire to be fully alive - to be loved, respected, held in high regard, held to high expectations, held accountable for their actions, and supported to help achieve their goals.

Filipino Advocates for Justice's mission is to build a strong and empowered Filipino community by organizing constituents, developing leaders, providing services, and advocating for policies that promote social and economic justice and equity.

First Five Mendocino CountyÂ
strengthens early childhood systems and supports needed to ensure that Mendocino County’s young children are safe, healthy and ready to thrive in school and life.

Goodwill equips low-income individuals and those with barriers with the skills required to succeed in the 21st century job market.
The Greenlining Institute works towards a future where communities of color can build wealth, live in healthy places filled with economic opportunity, and are ready to meet the challenges posed by climate change.
Green Foothills' mission is to protect the open spaces, farmlands, and natural resources of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties for the benefit of all through advocacy, education, and grassroots action.

HealthRIGHT 360 gives hope, builds health, and changes lives for people in need. They do this by providing compassionate, integrated care that includes primary medical, mental health, substance use disorder treatment and re-entry services.

Humboldt State University (HSU) is a comprehensive, residential campus of the California State University. HSU welcomes students from California and the world to their campus. HSU offers students access to affordable, high-quality education that is responsive to the needs of a fast-changing world.
The Institute for Nonprofit Practice (INP) transforms communities by equipping the social impact leaders – nonprofit, public sector, and social enterprise – with the skills, networks, confidence, and resources they need to effectively lead, advance justice, and make their organizations more effective, innovative, and sustainable.
Jones Psychological Services empowers their clients on their journey through compassionate, kind, graceful collaboration, nurturing personal strengths and cultivating innate power. Their vision is to liberate individuals from limiting beliefs and mindsets
LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) is a year-long leadership development institute for nonprofit managers aspiring to greater leadership.
LeaderSpring's mission is to foster a powerful, equity-driven social sector by strengthening leaders and organizations; developing communities of leaders; and transforming the systems in which they work.
Named for playwright, director, and activist Lorraine Hansberry, the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre is San Francisco’s premier African American theatre and was launched in 1981.

Mission Asset Fund’s vision is to create a fair financial marketplace for hardworking people. Because when one person is invisible, stuck or strapped, it hurts an entire family. And when one family suffers, the whole community suffers. That’s why they work to make Lending Circles and other loan products available nationwide. Their work is built on hidden strengths: of people, of nonprofits, of communities.
Mission Neighborhood Health Center honors its Latino roots with a tradition of providing compassionate, patient-centered care. MNHC advocates for health equity and delivers innovative, high-quality services responsive to the neighborhoods and diverse communities they serve.

Through the New California Arts Fund (NCAF), Alliance for California Traditional Arts is expanding access to the state’s vibrant communities of traditional artists to every Californian, enabling more low-income and diverse populations to explore #art and identity.

Oakland Fund for Children & Youth provides strategic funding to support Oakland's children and youth from birth to 21 years of age to become healthy, happy, educated, engaged, powerful and loved community members.

The mission of the Oakland Museum of California is to inspire all Californians to create a more vibrant future for themselves and their communities.

Oakland Parents Together is dedicated to organizing and empowering parents.

Oakland Peace Center's mission is to breathe life into its building and strengthen the connections among its partners so that together they can create a peaceful and just Bay Area.

The Oakland Public Education Fund leads the development of community resources in Oakland public schools so that all students can learn, grow, and thrive.

Oakland Starting Smart and Strong aims to make sure every child has access to high-quality early childhood education, and every adult in a child’s life – whether a formal educator like a preschool teacher or an informal caregiver like a family member – has the tools they need to support that child’s development every day.
OneLife is a place where healers can heal and leaders can lean. Where those on the front lines of social change and community service can be supported and renewed. Where people from different walks of life can come together and create community.
Rita Severs, Supervision Matters
Rita approaches supervision as a primary leadership function and believes that each action a supervisor takes positively or negatively impacts the organization. Rita works with individual employees, teams, leaders and the entire organization to improve the organizational culture and practice of supervision, helping the organization to achieve its mission.
The mission of Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center is to empower and increase the entrepreneurial capacities of socially and economically diverse women and men, and thereby strengthen our communities through the creation of sustainable new businesses, new jobs, and the promotion of financial self-sufficiency.

RTI International is an independent, nonprofit institute that provides research, development, and technical services to governments and commercial clients around the world.
Sacramento BHC's mission is to make where they live a healthier place for their residents. They are doing this by improving employment opportunities, education, housing, neighborhood safety, unhealthy environmental conditions, access to healthy foods and more.
The San Antonio Family Resource Center provides a safe space for children and families to feel supported and inspired. So that every household is engaged and has increased capacity in continued support for their child’s learning foundation.
San Francisco Community Health Center's mission is to transform lives by advancing health, wellness, and equality.
Access and report to the City Council the social service needs of the people of Alameda and to encourage the formation of private social welfare organizations to serve those unmet needs.

The SOAR program aims to help our young people graduate from high school, attend college, and succeed in life with purpose.

Street Level Health Project is an Oakland-based community center dedicated to improving the wellbeing of underinsured, uninsured, and recently arrived immigrants in Alameda County.

Success Centers' Mission is to empower marginalized community members through education, employment, and art, so they may develop a positive self-image as well as a sense of hope and purpose for their future.
Tandem's mission is to engage the whole community to ensure all families have the resources, skills, and confidence they need to support their children’s kindergarten readiness.
The University of California was founded in 1868, born out of a vision in the State Constitution of a university that would "contribute even more than California's gold to the glory and happiness of advancing generations."
University of California Press has served as a bridge connecting the academic world and curious readers worldwide for over 125 years. UC Press publishes books and journals that shift paradigms in the arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences, with a focus on social justice. Their work amplifies bold, diverse perspectives and inspires critical thought and action. They believe in the potential for scholarship to fundamentally change how people think, lead, and live.
The University of the Pacific’s mission is to provide a superior, student-centered learning experience integrating liberal arts and professional education and preparing individuals for lasting achievement and responsible leadership in their careers and communities.
The Visiting Room Project is a multimedia story-telling project with people serving life without parole.

Voice of Witness advances human rights by amplifying the voices of people impacted by - and fighting against - injustice.
Youth ALIVE!'s mission is to prevent violence and create young leaders.

Youth Outside strives to ensure that the lived experience of all youth is honored as part of the outdoor experience. YO provides grantmaking, capacity building, and training to promote healthy lives and inspire future champions of the planet.